Psychotherapy is helpful with

Anxiety / Panic

Anxiety can be helpful in healthy, normal amounts. Excessive anxiety, on the other hand, can lead to problems in various everyday situations. Psychotherapy helps to find a healthy way to deal with fear and promotes self-healing powers.


When work and performance become too much, those affected and those around them do not always notice it immediately. The later an overstrain is noticed, the more likely and more pronounced is usually a resulting burnout. A burnout often leads to forced relief, since the excessive performance can no longer be achieved. Here it makes sense to find a different, gentler way of dealing with the demands placed on oneself.


Depression can take different forms. The best known is a combination of listlessness and bad mood. Sources of joy are often little or not noticed. Treatment of depression takes time and patience to take the slow steps towards self-healing.


Who of us does not know stress? Sometimes there is just too much to do. Nevertheless, the distinction is important: Doing a lot does not necessarily have to be means stress and vice versa. Is it possible to remain calm and stable even with a lot of stuff to do? Can we listen to ourself? What can help?

Trauma (PTBS)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur after one or more traumatic triggers. Those affected do not necessarily recognize a connection with the triggering trauma. Therefore, it can happen that those affected are being treated for other problems and a trauma is noticed only later. During treatment, stabilization at the beginning of psychotherapy is particularly important.


Psychosomatics is often seen in connection with problems in the sense that psychological problems manifest themselves as physical symptoms. However, the connections can work in both directions (circular) and also positively. Such effects can also be utilized in psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy can accompany and support change processes

Change is inevitable. Change is constant. -Benjamin Disraeli

On one hand this means that we cannot hold on to specific moments.
On the other hand every new day and every new moment is a new chance.
All the changes in the personal, social, scientific and economic environment can be challenging.
Changes which we initiate ourselves can be stabilizing factors for us, even if that may not be obvious immidiately.